Oh, how I love discovering gems. I recently stumbled upon one right across the street from Tompkins Square Park, on Avenue B and 10th Street. It's called Donostia, it's serving tapas all day, and I've experienced nothing like it in NYC. I only ate there once, and it was breakfast, but, I felt whisked away to Spain (a country I'm dying to go to). This is the perfect neighborhood joint, where you can come in the morning for a coffee and tortilla, come by for lunch for a beer and a bite, and end the night with some wine and fabulous tapas. I plan on trying the entire menu. But, my first bites, were of pure joy and perfection. Donostia is magical. Lets all dine there together!
Brandada tartaleta: whipped salt cured cod, caramelized onion, sun dried tomato. Bonito tartaleta: bonito tuna salad piquillo pepper, aioli. $3 each. #FUCKINGAWESOME!
La Viña: fresh cheese, anchoa. AMAZING.
155 Avenue B (bet 10th and 9th)
New York, NY 10009